Carrying out complex survey data analysis and producing crosstabs can mean that staff need to re-think and re-work every survey they handle. The unique design of MRDCL…
This article explores why we consider MRDCL to offer you unique advantages (the sales bit, you might say), explaining why it is different and also identifying the disadvantages.
Crosstabs have not become more complex in recent years, but the data that users of MRDCL and research data want to process has become more complex.
MRDCL offers almost limitless power when producing market research crosstabulations – and, importantly, it does this efficiently.
The unique design of MRDCL allows you to build customisable templates that can simplify complex or repetitive tasks. The technique is known as EPS (Excel Productivity Scripting).
The price of market research survey software ranges from free right up to tens of thousands of dollars or more per year. So, how does our MRDCL scripting crosstab software fit into this vast price range?
The use of scripting to process market research questionnaires and surveys has grown in rece nt years. But, first, what is scripting? It means using a programming language to prepare a questionnaire, to process data or to produce tabulations.